Thursday, February 11, 2010

New artist

I am an new artist tryin to be seen and heard...any pointers or connect i can use let me know!!!

Who the hell is Corey?

You may ask this question or have asked yourself this at least once in the past because u have heard rumors (those who know me) or i have done something to make you think that i am not the guy you thought i was.... but either way i just wanna clear the smoke while i still can... i am Corey, the guy who at 1 point in every guys life they would want to trade shoes with (admit it) but its all possible because i tap into the untapped potential that we all as men have...but thats not the point the point is that i am losing my mind very slowly (lol) im so bored out my mind right now it feels like every second of your time is like 15 of mine and i have nothing to do but for rite now i guess i'll pass time how i do and you do it how u do....later and hope you like the page!!!!